You can send Medicare DMERC claims via iPlexus and Zirmed. KIP may be compatible with other electronic claims clearinghouses as well.
First, you need to set up a new Billing Provider just for DMERC (such as “Johnson Podiatry (DME)”) and then click the DME tab and choose DME and Medicare.
Then, set up a new insurance carrier such as “DMERC A” – setting the insurance class as “04” and the Electronic Claim Payor ID as “1295” (for DMERC A. Look up the correct payer ID for the DMERC carrier in your area).
Then make sure you enter DMERC A as one of the insurance carriers for each patient (This works best when set as INS 3 since most patients have Medicare primary and a Medicare supplemental plan as secondary).
Remember to use the billing provider “Johnson Podiatry (DME)” and the correct insurance carrier (INS3) on the invoice. DO NOT enter anything on the invoice’s DME tab.
Then, when you go to send the claims electronically, remember you have to select “Johnson Podiatry (DME)” as the billing provider – then send the claims as any other claim.