Once you have installed your new KIP 10.3 update, you will need to add your NPI numbers and make a few changes to your data to keep it current.
The process is simple and requires only a few steps.
Update the Billing Providers
1) Go to the Lists menu and choose Billing Providers. Open your billing provider, and enter the NPI number in the spot provided.
Please note: If you have a corporate NPI number, put that number here.
2) Click on the Supervising Provider tab and clear the fields PROVIDER, TAX ID, and UPIN #.
Please note: To clear the PROVIDER field, click on the PROVIDER field and then click the ENTER key on the numeric key pad to the right of your keyboard.
3) Click the SAVE button.
4) Close the Billing Providers window.
Update the Treatment Providers
1) Go to the Lists menu and choose Treatment Providers. Open each treatment provider, and enter the NPI number in the spot provided.
2) Go to the TX PROVIDER FOR INVOICES field and make sure this field does not say “False.” Either make this field blank, or choose a provider. The treatment provider you choose will show up on all invoices and electronic claims instead of the information for this treatment provider.
3) Click the SAVE button.
4) Close the Treatment Providers window.
Update the Payor ID List
For information on updating the Payor ID List, please read this post (iPlexus Claim Errors and Insurance Carrier Names).