There are instances where you may add a letter to a CPT Code so that you can generate different op reports for the same CPT Code.
A good example of this would be the CPT Code 11750 (matrixectomy of nail).
You may set up multiple CPT Codes to use with different op reports, such as:
11750P – Partial Matrixectomy
11750T – Total Matrixectomy
11750S – Subtotal Matrixectomy
The question is:
How do you take off the letter on the end to bill each one as 11750?
Use the new feature (in version 10.3) “BILL AS CODE.”
Go to the Lists menu and Modify code 11750P.
In the lower right hand corner, enter “11750” in the field BILL AS CODE.
Now, whenever you enter 11750P on an invoice, the code will be billed as 11750 on all HCFA forms and electronic submissions.
Please note: You must have a code 11750 already entered as a CPT Code for this feature to work.