Emails and Text Messages Made Easy

Our most recent version of KIP Deluxe 11.5 includes more ways to use email.

Now you can save templates of emails and send them to patients with a click.

You can use email to:

  • remind patients of upcoming appointments
  • tell patients their orthotics or eyeglasses are in
  • you can even send birthday wishes using email
You are limited only by your imagination.
To set up email in KIP, you will need to go to Preferences, then Electronic Claims and Email Preferences.
Enter your Email Return Address such as [email protected]  (This is the return address that will appear on your email.)

Once you have entered your Email Return Address, you are ready to go.
To send an email, use the email icon:

Email Icon on Patient Information Screen

When you click on the email icon, and the email window will appear.
Click on an email template in the Templates list to use a pre-formatted email, or just write an email and save it as a template for future use.
Use and to automatically enter the patient’s first and last names.
Then click the SEND EMAIL button, and away it goes.
Many practices are now requiring their patient’s email address to allow for more efficient communication with their patients.

Sending Text Messages with KIP
You can also use this email functionality to send text messages to your patients. 
For example, if your patient’s cell phone is on the Verizon network, use their phone number in the following format (entering the cell phone number instead of the xxxxxxxxxx):
[email protected]
and the message will be received as a text message instead of an email.
Below, find text message formats for other cell phone providers.

3 River Wireless [email protected]
Advantage Communications [email protected]
AirVoice [email protected]
Airtouch Pagers [email protected]
Airtouch Pagers [email protected]
Airtouch Pagers [email protected]
Airtouch Pagers [email protected]
AllTel [email protected]
Alltel PCS [email protected]
Alltel [email protected]
Ameritech Paging [email protected]
Arch Pagers (PageNet) [email protected]
Arch Pagers (PageNet) [email protected]
AT&T [email protected]
Bell South (Blackberry) [email protected]
Bell South Mobility [email protected]
Bell South [email protected]
Bell South [email protected]
Bell South [email protected]
Bluegrass Cellular [email protected]
Boost Mobile [email protected]
Boost [email protected]
CallPlus [email protected]
Carolina Mobile Communications [email protected]
Cellular One East Coast [email protected]
Cellular One PCS [email protected]
Cellular One South West [email protected]
Cellular One West [email protected]
Cellular One [email protected]
Cellular One [email protected]
Cellular One [email protected]
Cellular South [email protected]
Central Vermont Communications [email protected]
CenturyTel [email protected]
Cingular (GSM) [email protected]
Cingular (TDMA) [email protected]
Cingular Wireless [email protected]
Cingular [email protected]
Communication Specialists [email protected]
Cook Paging [email protected]
Corr Wireless Communications [email protected]
Dobson Communications Corporation [email protected]
Dobson-Alex Wireless / Dobson-Cellular One [email protected]
Edge Wireless [email protected]
GCS Paging [email protected]
GTE [email protected]
GTE [email protected]
Galaxy Corporation [email protected]
GrayLink / Porta-Phone [email protected]
Houston Cellular [email protected]
Inland Cellular Telephone [email protected]
JSM Tele-Page [email protected]
Lauttamus Communication [email protected]
MCI Phone [email protected]
MCI [email protected]
Metro PCS [email protected]
Metro PCS [email protected]
MetroPCS [email protected]
Metrocall 2-way [email protected]
Metrocall [email protected]
Midwest Wireless [email protected]
Mobilecom PA [email protected]
Mobilfone [email protected]
Morris Wireless [email protected]
NPI Wireless [email protected]
Nextel [email protected]
Nextel [email protected]
Ntelos [email protected]
Omnipoint [email protected]
Omnipoint [email protected]
OnlineBeep [email protected]
PCS One [email protected]
Pacific Bell [email protected]
PageMart [email protected]
PageOne NorthWest [email protected]
Pioneer / Enid Cellular [email protected]
Price Communications [email protected]
ProPage [email protected]
Public Service Cellular [email protected]
Qualcomm [email protected]
Qwest [email protected]
RAM Page [email protected]
ST Paging [email protected]
Safaricom [email protected]
Satelindo GSM [email protected]
Satellink [email protected]
Simple Freedom [email protected]
Skytel Pagers [email protected]
Skytel Pagers [email protected]
Smart Telecom [email protected]
Southern LINC [email protected]
Southwestern Bell [email protected]
Sprint PCS [email protected]
Sprint [email protected]
SunCom [email protected]
Surewest Communications [email protected]
T-Mobile [email protected]
TIM [email protected]
TSR Wireless [email protected]
TSR Wireless [email protected]
Teletouch [email protected]
Telus [email protected]
The Indiana Paging Co [email protected]
Triton [email protected]
US Cellular [email protected]
USA Mobility [email protected]
Unicel [email protected]
Verizon PCS [email protected]
Verizon Pagers [email protected]
Verizon [email protected]
Virgin Mobile [email protected]
Virgin Mobile [email protected]
WebLink Wireless [email protected]
West Central Wireless [email protected]
Western Wireless [email protected]
Wyndtell [email protected]